Multi-Year Redevelopment of Community Recreational Facility
A five-year, phased redevelopment of a multi-floor community recreational facility to achieve an increase its profile in the Portage La Prairie area. The project entailed converting an aging indoor swimming pool facility to a multi-purpose work out and indoor track area. The project also included a full-service daycare. HDK assisted with application for Manitoba Hydro Grants on behalf of the Owner (i.e., Commercial HVAC Program for Boilers, Chillers and CO2 Incentives).
Mechanical Systems replaced as part of the project included:
A new gas fired hydronic boiler system to replace the existing central steam to hot water shell and tube HX system.
Ventilation and Air Conditioning:
Due to the higher occupancy density and higher ventilation rates required (as defined by ASHRAE 62.1 for “Health Club / Weight Room” occupancies), the application of ventilation air energy recovery made sense. HDK included a dual core energy recovery ventilator (ERV) in the design. The ERV supplied ventilation air directly to the return side of packaged roof top units to meet ventilation requirements. Controls were put in place to control outside air volumes based on CO2 in/outdoor differentials and to permit operation of RTUs in free cooling mode in ambient temperatures.
HDK’s Role in the Projects:
As Lead Mechanical Engineering Subconsultant, HDK was responsible for redevelopment design, gap analysis, payback analysis of all mechanical systems affected by the redevelopment plan the client included its call for services.
How Design Met Owner’s Objectives:
Durability: To meet budget requirements, economical equipment was chosen for this project however durability also factored into equipment selection.
Functionality: Provide mechanical system design that would disconnect the building from the sites aging central steam heating plant.
Maintainability: Worked closely with the owner’s maintenance personnel to select equipment familiar to them to ensure ease of maintenance.