Mechanical Upgrades at National Hydrology Research Centre
A 2-Phase Mechanical Systems Upgrade project to reduce the Centre’s CO2 production by 1,200 MT via an extensive mechanical systems replacement. The project started with schematic design phase with an extensive options analysis that include energy simulations and cost benefit analyses to arrive at the chosen upgrades for the facility.
Phase 1: Replace the facilities existing mid-efficiency boiler plant and gas fired humidifiers with three (3) state-of-the-art 4,000 MBH Clever Brooks ClearFire condensing boilers. VSD hydronic pumps and accessories were replaced as well. Construction completed.
Phase 2: Convert the facilities antiquated pneumatic control system and a modern DDC type system. Replace major fan systems (stand alone and within buildup air handling units) with new ECM plug fans; constant volume pneumatic mixing boxes to new variable DDC type terminal units; laboratory venturi valves and room pressure controls; roof top laboratory exhaust fans and associated glycol run around heat recovery. Design completed October 2018.
HDK’s Role in the Project:
As Prime Consultant, HDK provided Full Consulting Services using an Integrative Design Process whereby HDK collaborated with representatives from both Public Works (Client) and Environment Canada (Owner) in the overall design and planning of the project. Services included Site Verification/Pre-Design Options Analysis, multiple Design Stages, Issued for Construction Documents, costing (Class D, B and A), Tendering and Contract Administration Services. Disciplines coordinated included Architectural, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical Design Services and procurement of Environmental Consultant and Energy Modelling Specialists.
How Design Met Owner’s Objectives:
Durability: Although state-of-the-art, Mechanical equipment chosen has been on the market and proven to be reliable.
Functionality: Systems were modeled at schematic design phase and showed significant GHG reductions. As well, the system met all the Owner’s functional performance requirements.
Maintainability: Known and recognized manufacturer products with readily available parts and service technicians.